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04 May 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Managing Spring Allergies

April Showers Bring May...Sniffles? Start Managing Spring Allergies Ah, spring, the time ...

16 April 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Financial Planning for Independent Contractors

Financial Planning Best Practices and Independent Contractor Healthcare For independent ...

23 March 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Supplemental Dental Insurance Best Practices | Clearwater Health

A Bright, Happy Smile with Supplemental Dental Insurance Taking good care of your teeth ...

16 March 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Establishing Good Nutrition Habits with Sustainability in Mind

March in National Nutrition Month in the U.S. and a time to establish good nutrition ...

09 March 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Introduction to Care Coordination

The Healthcare System Can Be Costly & Confusing. Here's an Intro to Care ...

01 March 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

How to Set Up an Ergonomically Correct Work Area

Poor Desk Posture Can Hurt. A Lot. Here's How to Set Up an Ergonomically Correct Work ...

23 February 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Guest Post: Starting Therapy, A Helpful Guide

Mental Health Matters. A Guide To Starting Therapy. That’s why Clearwater Benefits has ...

13 February 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

The Advantages of Telemedicine

Telemedicine healthcare is here to stay. The COVID-19 pandemic spurred changes throughout ...

02 February 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Tips for a Heart Healthy Diet

February is American Heart Month. Here are Tips for a Heart Healthy Diet. Heart disease ...

19 January 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

A Health Screening Timeline Guide

Aging is a fact of life. Here's a health screening timeline guide. As we get older, our ...

10 January 2023
| Written by Clearwater Health

Set Yourself Up for Goal Setting Success

How's that New Workout Routine Going? An Did You Start By Goal Setting? Ah, January. The ...

22 December 2022
| Written by Clearwater Health

Saving Money During Inflation

Inflation bites. Here's how to start saving money during inflation. When prices of goods ...