How Changing Your Insurance Plan Can Save You Money Without Sacrificing Your Way of Life

December 21 2023

If you're like millions of Americans feeling the pinch of rising costs, you're probably looking for ways to save money. You may have unsubscribed from streaming services, cut back on groceries, or given up luxuries to make ends meet. And it still might not be enough! 

One new way to save money without sacrificing your way of life is to change your health insurance.

The key to choosing the right insurance plan is to find one with premiums you can afford that gives the coverage you need. In the past, this has been difficult or even impossible. But with our groundbreaking new major medical plans, the choice is easier than ever.

Affordable Medical Insurance for Everyone

At Clearwater, we're on a mission to change the way Americans pay for health coverage. We've already revolutionized coverage options for 1099 contractors and entrepreneurs who historically lacked access to quality coverage. 

This year, we are proud to announce new major medical plans that are set to save members up to 60% on their healthcare costs every year. 

Unlike traditional insurance that is tied to your employer, these plans are available to any citizen, regardless of employment. That means gig workers, small business owners, and other contractors can access high-quality insurance at an affordable price. Furthermore, many traditionally employed people find that our plans are better than what their employers offer.

These plans are insurance and must meet all federal standards for insurance. But they do so much more than that. Our latest plans offer unparalleled benefits and low copays to make healthcare more affordable for everyday people. 

Benefits of Our Newest Plans

An affordable insurance plan isn't truly affordable unless it offers great coverage. After all, a plan with a low premium and barely any coverage can leave you paying more for healthcare in the long run. 

That's what makes our latest plans truly exceptional: the coverage is comprehensive as well as affordable!

Clearwater's Major Medical plans stand out with several key features that set them apart from traditional healthcare plans, including:

1. Expanded Nationwide Network: the nationwide network provides members with a wide range of healthcare providers to choose from.
2. No Pre-existing Condition Restrictions: individuals can access the coverage they need without unnecessary barriers.
3. Cost-Saving Benefits: including $0 virtual care and $0 for generic prescriptions on most plans.
4. Comprehensive Coverage: mental health coverage, outpatient lab testing, and science-based personalized nutrition and health plans are included.

Clearwater's Commitment to Accessibility

We are committed to transforming health plan availability. This stems from a belief that quality healthcare should be a fundamental right, not a privilege. 

Jason Sherman, CEO of Clearwater Health, emphasizes the need for better options and a more creative approach to serving the healthcare ecosystem. The Major Medical plans are a testament to Clearwater's dedication to providing accessible, comprehensive, and affordable health plans that prioritize the well-being of individuals.

We remain dedicated to its mission of providing better plans, better benefits, and better prices for individuals, families, and small businesses nationwide. Ready to save money with a better insurance plan? Register for our live webinar on Jan. 10 at 11:30 a.m. CT or learn more about our major medical plans and find the right fit for you.

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