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You know the flu when you’ve got it—or rather, when it’s gotten its hooks into you. Fever, aches, chills and sweats, headache, a steady dry cough, fatigue: the flu is no fun.
Thankfully there are some easy ways to stay healthy during flu season, and help prevent the spread of the flu.
With all the focus on Covid-19 in recent years, it’s easy to overlook flu season. But like an unwanted dinner guest that overstays its welcome, that annual nasty virus is back again.
And the 2022 flu season is shaping up as a doozy, with young children, seniors, and people with certain pre-existing conditions most at risk of serious illness, hospitalizations, or even death. It started a bit earlier this year, and is hitting the US unusually hard.
To help spread the word about fighting the flu, the first week of December is National Influenza Vaccination Week, when the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) reminds people to roll up their sleeves and get their flu shots. Vaccinations can help stop the spread of this nasty bug.
The flu, or influenza, is a type of infection that attacks the human respiratory system: the nose, throat and lungs.
Flu season typically starts in October when weather begins cooling down and kicks into high gear during winter. It’s a highly contagious virus that spreads from person to person as droplets, through coughing, sneezing and even talking. It usually lasts for a few days, but symptoms can linger. Like with Covid, you may not be showing symptoms but could be contagious nonetheless.
Here are some ways you can do your part to keep the bug to dull roar.
By combining smart preventive steps and common sense healthfulness, you can stay healthy during flu season, and help keep your friends and family healthy too.
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